AGAM is the most effective tool for regulating the level and symmetry of temperatures in the cross-section of the combustion chamber. It enables to achieve optimal operating conditions of the selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) installation (by determining the position of the optimal temperature window).
The system works on the principle that the velocity of sound is dependent on the temperature of the gas. By determining the speed of sound between a transmitter and a receiver (measuring path), the temperature in the boiler is then calculated.
The currently offered third generation of the system (AGAM G3) ensures very fast data processing - the measurement takes place almost in real time (1-2 seconds per “shot”). Temperature range of the system is from 20 to 2000 C with accuracy ≤1% of measured value (average path temperature).
Additionally, AGAM G3 gives the possibilities of simple data export, support requests using QR-codes displayed on the status page, easy software update using the web-interface). Please check AGAM G3 DEMO by clicking the link below:
AGAM measures the true gas temperature and is therefore available also as QAL 1 certified measurement system. The AGAM Q1 system includes additional features, which are required for the certified measurement system. This includes automated regular reports about a self-check of the system, interface to the emission monitoring system, automated generation of reports etc.